We asked some Jersey Shore regulars to help come up with a list of "rules of the beach."

We dug through all the suggestions and paired them down to these 10.

Let us know if we missed any.

Smoking Weed on the Beach Can Cost You

New Jersey has loosened cannabis laws, but that doesn't mean anything goes.

Smoking of any kind is banned on most New Jersey beaches.

These are family-friendly beaches.  Local law enforcement is strictly enforcing these bans.

If caught smoking, fines range from $250-$1000.

Beach Badges Are a Way of Life in New Jersey

I don't like bullies.  Most of us hate paying to be on the beach.  However, yelling and abusing the kids, whose job it is to collect fees on the beach, is not acceptable.

I've seen this several times already this summer.  I doubt these bullies would attack their own kids the way they do the checkers.

If you have a strong opinion, go to a town hall meeting and tell it to them.

Don't Be This Person

People who see nothing wrong with carving out an area, and marking it by strategically placing cones or flags to mark their territory.

It's obnoxious and frowned upon by most of the people around you.

Lifeguards and Law Enforcement Are There to Keep You Safe 

Lifeguards train hard, and though some may seem young, you can bet that each is prepared to save you in an emergency.  When at the beach, obey the rules.

Law enforcement patrols the beaches and surrounding communities.  It's simple, those who don't break the law, don't have contact with the police.

Tents are for the Poconos, Not the Beach

I understand a reasonable umbrella, but a tent?

If you need to set up a tent, please do so towards the back of the beach.

Read More:  Investigating The Reality Of Quicksand: Tips For Safe Extraction (wfpg.com)

Please Don't Feed or Chase the Sea Gulls

If you see one gull and feed it, you will be swarmed by dozens.

It's funny until they become aggressive and start pooping on your stuff.  When you feed them, you put their lives in jeopardy.

It is cruel and stupid to throw things at or otherwise harass the gulls.  Leave them be, and they'll leave.

Use Sunscreen

Melanoma is a real threat.  It remains the 6th most common cause of cancer in men and the 8th most common cause of cancer in women.

Keep the Music to Yourself

Many of us bring music to the beach.  It's part of the atmosphere.

However, loud oversized speakers blasting the whole beach are what fights are made of.

Respect those around you.

Read More:  5 Affordable Things for Families to Do in NJ (wfpg.com)

The Dunes Serve a Purpose

It may seem picky, but those dunes with seagrass are important and serve a vital purpose.

Dunes serve as a barrier when storms hit.  When you walk on them, you may cause damage that will result in much more damage down the road.

Clean Up Before You Leave

We all love the Jersey Shore for the natural beauty and relaxation it provides.  The only way it stays that way is if we take care of it.

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