South Jersey News

Tips for Lowering Your Home Energy Bill in NJ
Tips for Lowering Your Home Energy Bill in NJ
Tips for Lowering Your Home Energy Bill in NJ
I've seen people post copies of their bills on social, and I'm shocked to see bills that are 700 or 800 dollars a month for modest homes in our area. How can that be? More importantly, how can we bring those bills down? I did some research, and here's what I found out.
Shhh!  Don't Tell NJ Politicians.  Gas Prices are Coming Down
Shhh! Don't Tell NJ Politicians. Gas Prices are Coming Down
Shhh! Don't Tell NJ Politicians. Gas Prices are Coming Down
We haven't seen a whole lot of good news lately, so this is something that I wanted to share. The problem is we live in New Jersey. Invariably, anytime news like this gets out, our elected officials find a way to suck the life out of it. So perhaps we can keep this between us?

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