June is Men’s Mental Health Month. Our society often holds men to unrealistic standards when it comes to their mental health. Still, it’s important to remember that men are humans, too, and their emotions and struggles are just as valid as everyone else's. To break the stigma, we must start somewhere; here are four simple but meaningful ways you can mentally support the men in your life!


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    Encourage Men To Seek Help

    It’s important to remind men that they are not alone and that asking for help is not a sign of weakness. If they seem hesitant about taking care of their mental health, suggest a local support group or provide information for an online counseling session! 

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    Help Men With Self-Care

    When in a slump, we often forget how essential self-care is. Encourage men to engage in healthy self-care habits such as getting eight hours of sleep, eating a nutritious diet, and regularly moving their bodies.  Self-care is a big step towards bettering their mental health!

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    Help Men Build Strong Relationships

    Interacting with other men who are also struggling with their mental health can show men that, once again, they are not alone. At first, building strong relationships can be challenging,  but these connections provide a supportive environment for men to express themselves and share their struggles. When out with friends, try introducing a man in your life to people with like-minded values and life goals.

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    Lend a Listening Ear

    Sometimes, men need someone to listen to them. That is why it’s crucial to have an open and supportive ear for them. Showing that you care and you are there to support them can mean a great deal to men. Next time they say they had a rough day at work, consider digging deeper and learning more.

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