Healthy Eating The Whole Family Can Enjoy
Are you trying to eat healthier but having difficulty getting the whole family on board? If so, you’re not alone. From stress and busy work schedules to budget constraints and limited food accessibility, many obstacles can get in the way of healthier habits. Research has shown that when we all work together on healthier habits, we are more likely to be successful. Eating nutritiously and good fitness habits are gifts we give to our kids for a lifetime. We have four easy steps to take right now to get your family on the road to eating healthier...
More Health Tips
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Avoid Labeling Foods as Off-Limits
Don’t treat any food as off-limits because that will often make your family want it more. All foods can fit into a healthy lifestyle within moderation. Consider using the language of ‘always’ foods and ‘sometimes foods. - 2
Make Healthy Eating About Wellness, Not Weight
Rather than talking about the calorie or fat content of food, focus on its benefits, such as how it tastes or the nutrients it provides. - 3
Make It A Group Effort
Make meal planning a collaborative process by keeping a sheet of paper or a dry erase board in the kitchen to create a running list of meal ideas that the whole family can contribute to. - 4
Incorporate More Vegetables In Meals
One of the easiest ways to eat more vegetables is by incorporating them into your family's meals. For instance, if Friday is pizza night, set out a variety of vegetable toppings, such as chopped peppers, mushrooms, spinach, artichokes, fresh tomatoes, and basil, for each member to use as pizza toppings. Add some kale to a fruit smoothie (you won't even taste it).
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