Five Health Tips for Making the Switch from Summer to Fall
Goodbye summer! Yes, I know, it is officially still summer, but when Labor Day comes to an end, and the kids go back to school, our mind makes that automatic switch from summer to fall.
As the weather gets cooler, the leaves change colors, and the sun sets earlier, we begin to accept that we are heading toward autumn. For those of us who love summer, it is hard to say goodbye, but there are some positives to the fall season. The weather is a little cooler and vacations, summer visitors, and overeating at cookouts or parties have all ended.
That makes it a perfect time to turn our attention once again to our own well-being. Whether it is making that long overdue doctor appointment, getting back on a regular sleep schedule or sampling some of the autumn produce, we can turn the transition from summer to fall into something beneficial to our body and mind.
Here are five helpful tips we can follow as we transition from summer to fall.
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During the fall, we see a rise in seasonal allergies and we are at a greater risk of illness such as influenza.As we begin spending more of our time indoors, we will be in closer contact with more people. This increases our risk of germs and becoming sick. It is not too early to make your appointment for a flu shot.
Keep yourself healthy by visiting your doctor to make sure you are in shape before it becomes cold. Also make sure to take your health supplements such as vitamin C, L-lysine, and zinc, which may boost your immune system. Avoid bacteria by carrying hand sanitizer and keeping a stash of disinfecting wipes for your desk or other personal belongings.
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Fall is the time where seasonal fruits and vegetables such as squash, apples, and pumpkins will be hitting the stores and farmers markets. As we all know, fruits and vegetables also contain nutrients that will improve our immune system and can contribute to a reduced rsik of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular issues.
So, try making nourishing recipes or preparing wholesome snacks and meals to keep, while avoiding junk food and processed food.
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Exercise can help us physically, emotionally, and mentally. The dog days of summer are over and many people welcome the cooler weather for outdoor walks, jogs or hikes. Once it gets really chilly, take your fitness indoors at home or gym and try some new classes.
Remember to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have not exercised in a while or if you have chronic health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis.
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Just because it is becoming cooler, that does not mean we should stop drinking water. It is still crucial to stay hydrated to keep our systems working properly.
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As the temperature is decreasing and the days are becoming shorter, this will affect our sleep schedule because our bodies are triggered to produce melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep-wake cycles.
When the sun sets earlier, we might find we become sleepier in the evenings. Don't fight it by turning on the TV or going on your cell phone. Get the rest your body needs.
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