Beauty Is Skin Deep – 7 Foods That Improve Your Skin
There's a lot of people that will tell us that the key to good skin can be found in grossly expensive face care products and treatments. Serums, creams, peels, lotions and potions... the list goes on and on. And while certain products truly do improve the quality of our skin, we need to realize that skin health starts below the surface. Physical activity, reducing stress, proper sleep and avoiding habits such as smoking all play a huge role in our skin. One of the biggest factors in the appearance of our skin is our diet. It is important to choose our foods wisely so that we nourish our skin from the inside-out! Here are seven foods that can help.
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Adding mango to your diet is a great idea if you want to improve the quality of your skin. Mangoes are extremely rich in Vitamin C, which is known to support collagen production in the body. Collagen is a protein that gives our skin its' elasticity. When collagen production is slow, wrinkles can start to form. Enjoy some chopped mango by itself, or check out some recipes for mango based dishes here.
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Studies have shown that eating tomatoes can contribute to a decreased risk for certain cancers! Tomatoes contain something called Lycopene, a substance commonly found in various fruits. In addition to giving the tomato its' bright red color, lycopene has also been found to have an anticancerous effect. For some fun ways to incorporate this superfood into your diet, click here.
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Olive Oil
Olive oil is essential in preventing skin damage. This healthy fat is super-rich in antioxidants, which are known to fight free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that become damaged by sun exposure as well as other environmental hazards. They appear on our skin in the form of sunspots, wrinkles, discoloration, and other skin imperfections. Check out some olive oil recipes here.
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Dark Chocolate
Yes, we said it. Dark chocolate can actually improve your skin health (in moderation, of course.) One study showed that supplements containing cocoa extract managed to prevent wrinkles in test mice. Another study by Oxford concluded that in moderately photo-aged women, regularly consuming cocoa flavanol (found in dark chocolate) can improve the appearance of facial wrinkles and strengthen elasticity.
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Green Tea
We might as well let include a skin-friendly drink on this list (so you can wash down all that skin-friendly food, of course.) According to several studies by the Medical Collge of Georgia, green tea can increase cell regeneration. This suggests that green tea or green tea leaves could help speed up the wound healing process. Almost as exciting, he states that green tea can also help with a wide variety of skin issues, like psoriasis, rosacea, wrinkles, dandruff, and more.
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One way to make sure our skin stays supplies is to eat nuts. Nuts contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. In normal speak, those would be considered "good fats." These compounds act as an internal moisturizer by increasing oil production (this skinfood might work better for dry skin for this reason.) Walnuts in particular are also known to have anti-inflammatory properties as well, according to the Arthritis Foundation. And while this is good news for arthritis sufferers, it is also helpful for people who experience skin redness or sensitivity.
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Veggie lovers rejoice! Kale is yet another food that can improve our skin health. Kale is known to be a great source of lutein and zeaxanthin which is known to protect against sun damage. Kale is also chock full of vitamins, including Vitamin A, C, and K. Vitamin A plays an integral part in tissue repair, while vitamin C protects the skin from harmful rays and strengthens collagen fibers. Vitamin K can tighten the skin, reducing the look of wrinkles and fine lines, as well as improve the appearance of dark circles. For different ways to add kale to your diet, click here.