When schools were forced to stop in-person learning, kids became even more sedentary than they already were.  In addition to the free time they spent on their devices, they had extra hours every day in front of a computer screen for school. Some parents tried to play the role of the gym teacher, but with so much on our plate, they could only do so much.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics,  only one in four children get the recommended 60 minutes of play a day. While some schools offered virtual gym classes,  it became almost impossible to make sure every kid was following the online program. Now that summer is here, we have an opportunity to get our kids to become active once again. Here are some strategies that can benefit your whole family.

  • monkeybusinessimages/ThinkStock

    Make time for the whole family to do something together.

    It could be as simple as a walk at a park or a family bike ride. This will show your child that you are not forcing this on them and instead bring the family closer while getting fit.

  • Fuse/Getty Stock/ ThinkStock
    Fuse/Getty Stock/ ThinkStock

    Set up games big enough for friends to play

    Games like basketball, wiffle ball, kickball, and soccer all have multiple positions for multiple people on each team and are relatively easy to set up. This will add a level of friendly competition and will make them use teamwork and communication skills.

  • monkeybusinessimages/Getty Stock/ThinkStock
    monkeybusinessimages/Getty Stock/ThinkStock

    Show your child the importance of staying fit.

    Be a role model for your child, especially younger-aged ones. If you are staying physically fit than they will be more likely to want to do it themselves.

  • Iris Nieves/Getty Stock/ThinkStock
    Iris Nieves/Getty Stock/ThinkStock

    Enroll your kids in sports or summer camp.

    There are a lot of summer camps and recreational sports leagues that are eager to start back up again. This will allow your child to make new friends and spend a lot of time outside. 

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