Ocean City Announces Trick-or-Treat Guidelines, Times
Ocean City plans to allow trick-or treating this Halloween, but wants to point out the importance of making the event a safe and healthy time for trick-or-treaters and for those in homes giving out treats.
One new wrinkle for Halloween 2020 is free door hangers the city plans to make available to identify which homes are handing out treats and limit interactions with homes not participating. The door hangers are not yet available , but will be soon through the Ocean City webpage.
This year's trick-or-treating hours in Ocean City are 4-7pm on Saturday, Oct 31.
Ocean City plans to follow the guidance for safe trick-or-treating released by the NJ. Department of Health this year, which includes trick-or-treaters and families passing out treats wear masks. Costume masks are not an acceptable substitute for cloth or disposable masks.
Homes giving out treats should arrange individually packaged candy so that trick-or-treaters can grab and go outside without touching a shared bowl.
No one should participate in trick-or-treating if they have been exposed to COVID-19, are sick or symptomatic, or have not yet completed isolation after a COVID-19 diagnosis.
- Wear reflective clothing
- Young children should be accompanied by an adult
- Obey the pedestrian safety laws – It is dark and vehicle drivers may not see you
- Carry a flashlight
- Costumes should not restrict visibility
- Do not open any candy until you get home and your parents inspect the items
- Report any suspicious person or activity to the police immediately