UPDATE: Threat Made Against St. Joe’s School in Somers Point
UPDATE: Somers Point Police say their investigation led to an identification and questioning of the suspect of this threat. Police have deemed that the threat made was not credible.
Original story...
Somers Point Police have announced that a threat was made against St. Joseph's Regional School in Somers Point at about 10 am Sunday.
Police responded to the school and church complex with bomb-sniffing dogs and thoroughly checked the area.
Out of an abundance of caution, all of Sunday's church activities were canceled.
While nothing was found at the school or around the church at St. Joseph's, police say this remains an active investigation.
In a Facebook post, Somers Point Police Chief Robert Somers said you can expect a continued police presence at the school.
If you have any information concerning this situation, you are encouraged to call Somers Point Police at 609-927-6161.
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