Brigantine's Marine Mammal Stranding Center has run the numbers on the 2024 seal rescue season.

This year ranks in the top five busiest on record for the only federally authorized hospital for marine mammals and the first responders in New Jersey.

A Busy Grey Seal Pup Season For MMSC

In their recap of their 46th year of seal rescues, the MMSC noted what a busy season it was for recently weaned Grey seal pups during February and March, who made up the majority of patients admitted.

Many Juvenile and adult Grey, Harbor, and Harp seals used New Jersey beaches as a rest stop while they traveled up and down the East Coast this spring.

What is Planned for the Winter Months at the MMSC?

In a Facebook post this week, the Marine Mammal Stranding Center said they plan to take advantage of the end of seal season to handle several projects best completed when their hospital is empty.

Currently the team is completing repairs and upgrades to the ICU and Pool House. Stranding equipment is being inspected and repairs made as needed.

All of the trucks are getting much-needed maintenance completed, and we are already busy stocking up on supplies such as food, medicine, and cleaning products to prepare for next seal season.


The 2024 Seal Season Numbers at the MMSC

Here is an overview of the 2024 numbers, according to the MMSC...

- The 1st seal patient was admitted on Christmas Day

-The final rehabilitated seal was released into the ocean on August 27th

- 43 healthy seals were relocated to safety from crowded beaches

- 28 seals were rehabilitated at the MMSC and released

- 4 seals were rescued from entanglements of marine debris, fishing line, and plastic wrap

- 14,916 pounds of fish were eaten by rehabilitating seals

- 62 bottles of Pediatyte were used

- 1,905 seal vitamins were given

- Since being founded in 1978, the Marine Mammal Stranding Center has responded to over 6,190 stranded dolphins, whales, seals and sea turtles

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