Last Minute Naughty Gift for Your NJ Valentine
Chances are, if you have young children, you've visited Build-a-Bear. It's a fun place where you can custom-make your very own teddy. These are cute plush bears that kids fall in love with.
This year, someone got the idea to develop a new kind of bear. Oh, they're still cute plush, and cuddly but these new bears are also a bit naughty.
Build-a-Bear After Dark
The company is calling its line of adult-themed bears, Build-a-Bear After Dark. Social has been blowing up with pictures of the naughty bears, and most people get the humor, although some do not (maybe they don't have a Valentine?)
One of the bears, the The Lovable Lion, is described online as,
Lovable Lion is ready for romance! This online exclusive gift set includes a satin robe and pajamas Lovable Lion with a plush toy champagne and glass set. Pop some Build-A-Bear Bubbly this Valentine's Day for an unFURgettable gift!
They also have a cute, naughty female version they call, Barkleigh (sound it out by sylables and you'll get the naughty reference.)
Barkleigh is described as,
Barkleigh has both an angel and a devil on her shoulders in this fun Valentine's Day gift set! This playful pup expresses both her devilish side and angelic side with this cute gift set. It features Barkleigh with her own leopard hearts sleep set, lovebug headband, fuzzy red slippers, and mini angel and devil teddy bear wristies.
Build-a-Bear Can be Ordered Online or In their Stores
You can order online, although you may not get it in time. Build-a-Bear also has 5 New Jersey locations where you can pick up one of these cute gifts. The After Dark line is also available for other adult-themed holidays.
After Dark Teddy Bears | Build-A-Bear® (buildabear.com)
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