The Fight Against Cancer in NJ Is Personal
(Please scroll to the end for an important, personal message) Is there anyone who hasn't been touched by cancer?
It's an insidious enemy that has a way of sneaking up on you. One day life is perfectly normal and the next, you're fighting for survival.
Getting cancer isn't necessarily a death sentence anymore. We've gained valuable knowledge and today more people than ever are winning their battle against cancer.
But when you hear the words, "You have cancer" it's like a kick in the gut.
When you hear those words, nothing else seems to matter.
Our family has had that experience a few times. My father was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
I remember the day I was told. It was like time stood still as my mind tried to reconcile what I had just heard.
I accompanied my father to his chemo treatments and watched the effect it had on him.
It was surreal. How could this be?
It's been about 10 years since that time, and my father kicked cancer's ass.
More recently, we got hit again.
Just before we moved from South Carolina back to Jersey, my wife went for a mammogram.
It was routine. There is a family history of cancer, and my wife was diligent about staying ahead of things.
We were shocked when the doctor called and told my wife she'd have to come back for more tests.
We told ourselves that it was probably no big deal, and this was just going to be precautionary.
But that wasn't the case.
My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer.
I vividly remember thinking, "holy s***!" How can this be?
I was really scared, but I couldn't let her see my fear. I had to project positivity, but all I could think was "holy S***."
Complicating the situation was the fact that we were in the middle of moving.
I think I probably did what most husbands would do. I proclaimed that WE would fight this. We will take this on and beat this thing.
What I realized later was that it's much easier to project this macho attitude when it's not your body.
My wife is a Jersey girl, with a Jersey attitude, but I've never seen her as determined as she was in her battle against cancer.
It wasn't easy. She projected her badass attitude, but there were moments she'd break down crying.
I didn't know what to do, and I could never find the right words. I've come to realize that there are no right words. It's CANCER.
They were able to remove the cancerous cells, and then there was radiation.
My wife kicked ass. She was declared cancer-free, and today she goes for regular checks to be sure she stays on top of things.
Women, please get those mammograms. They save lives.
That brings me to this. My wife and I are participating in this year's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Ocean City NJ, on October 13th.
We're raising money that will be used for research and funding of a 24/7 helpline.
This will be a walk of strength, positivity, and fun. We will celebrate the survivors, and remember those who lost their battle.
This will be a walk where we ALL have something in common. We've all been touched by cancer.
I would like to meet you and hear your story. Please join us. You can join my team, or create a team of your own by clicking this link.
LOOK: Counties with the highest cancer rates in New Jersey
Gallery Credit: Stacker
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