The Alzheimer’s Association’s Longest Day Challenge – A Way to Show Your Love
June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month. As people are living longer and baby boomers age, we may all know someone with Alzheimer’s. Because of that, it is important to know how to cope with the disease, whether you or a family member is diagnosed.
Some of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s include memory loss that disrupts daily life, challenges solving problems, confusion, misplacing things, poor judgement, changes in mood or personality, and more.
June 21 marks the summer solstice - the longest day of the year and a unique way to celebrate someone you love who is affected by Alzheimer's. If you are a caregiver or know someone with with this disease, the Alzheimer's Association encourages you to team up with them for their longest day challenge. Select any activity you love, or an activity loved by someone affected, and raise funds for doing that activity on June 21. What a great way to help generate awareness and funding for care and support while advancing research.
Check out these five ways to help cope with Alzheimer's disease, if you or someone you know is diagnosed.
- Thinkstock
Thinkstock 1Know the Signs
Recognizing the signs is the most important step in coping with Alzheimer’s. Once you know the signs, you know exactly what you are dealing with, whether you or a family member is experiencing them.
Symptoms of Alzheimer’s include memory loss that disrupts daily life, challenges in planning or solving problems, difficulty completing difficult tasks, confusion with time or place, misplacing things and being unable to retrace steps, poor judgments, changes in mood or personality, and more.
- Chris Howey
Chris Howey 2Accept It
Once everyone accepts the changes of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, it will become easier to deal with. Accepting what is happening will lead to more understanding and ways to better live your life while dealing with the disease.
- NA
NA 3Appreciate the Little Things
When going through a difficult time, it’s important to appreciate the little things that happen. A small feat deserves to be celebrated as much as a big accomplishment. If we don’t appreciate the little things, life can become depressing, especially during a hard time.
- Jupiterimages
Jupiterimages 4Remenisce About the Past
Thinking about the past with your loved ones is a fun and important thing to do. It reinforces your connection with your loved ones and can help to boost memory. Going through this disease can be stressful, so take a step back and tell some funny stories with you family members.
- monkeybusinessimages
monkeybusinessimages 5Do Something You Love
June 21 marks the summer solstice. This means it is the longest day of the year. On this special day, we like to celebrate those who are affected by Alzheimer’s Disease. The Longest Day is a way to celebrate those you love and raise funds for the cause.
First, pick an activity that you or a family member who is affected by Alzheimer’s loves to do. Then, figure out a way to get involved. You can start or join a team, and then start fundraising by performing your activity.
Every dollar raised benefits those affected by Alzheimer’s in your community. For more information, check out www.alz.org/thelongestday/
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