Northfield Cardinals offering a free baseball clinic at Birch Grove Park
Summer baseball season is starting to wind down with the Little League District 16 All-Stars and Babe Ruth seasons hitting the stretch run.
While those leagues are coming to an end, so is the South Jersey South Shore Baseball League. The SJSSBL is a men's wooden bat league that is coming to the end of its third season.

One of the ideas the league had when it was formed three years ago, was to give back to the communities they play in and provide baseball instruction to the youth of those communities.
One of the teams, the Northfield Cardinals, is having a free clinic for the youth in their area this Sunday from 9 a.m. to noon at the Birch Grove Park Babe Ruth Field. The free clinic is open to boys and girls from Northfield who are between the ages of six and 12.
All participants are asked to bring their own bat and glove if they have one to bring.
The clinic will be run by members of the Northfield Cardinals team and will cover the basic fundamentals of pitching and catching along with infield/outfield and hitting.
The SJSSBL is currently in its playoffs with the Margate Hurricanes the No. 1 overall seed and the South Jersey Surf, who play their home games at Birch Grove Park the two-time defending champions.
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