Baked goods, deep fried food, margarine and even some crackers. What do these foods all have in common? Trans-fats. The Institute of Medicine states that steady consumption of trans-fats has led to an alarming increase in heart disease and unhealthy cholesterol levels around the country.

There are, however, healthy alternatives to trans-fats.One of the best things we can do is read food labels. Look for the words partially hydrogenated oil and do your best to avoid it. it is bad stuff. In 2015 the food and drug administration said trans fat are not generally recognized as safe and gave food manufacturers three years to eliminate partially hydrogenated oils from their products, so by 2018 we should see a big change in foods with trans fats.

In the meantime, we are are own best advocates and need to be aware of the health risks of trans fats. Start by replacing processed foods and baked goods with fruits, veggies and whole grains..

Check out our tips on how to limit your trans-fat intake.

  • Soul Pilates
    Soul Pilates

    Construct a New Diet

    Make a plan to add more vegetables and fruits into your diet. Switching out red meats for fish or poultry can also help in reducing trans fat intake.

  • FDA

    Read Nutrition Labels Carefully

    Avoid the mistake of trusting what you read. Food manufacturers can still list a product as free of trans fat, as long as the product contains 0.5 grams or less.

  • Ultimate Guide to Fat Loss
    Ultimate Guide to Fat Loss

    Alternatives to Butter

    Soft margarine may be the alternative choice to butter, but certain margarine brands can be high in trans-fats. Try cooking with vegetable oil based spreads like olive oil as a substitute to butter.

  • Eartheasy Blog
    Eartheasy Blog

    Limit the Sweets

    It may be easier said than done, but limiting the guilty pleasures in our diet is key in reducing trans-fats. Doughnuts, pies, cookies and even crackers all fall under this list.

  • BigStock

    Check Restaurant Ingredients

    Limiting trans-fat intake goes beyond what we eat at home. Research restaurant menus to see if they are free of partially hydrogenated oils.

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