How many birthday buddies do you have? If you were born on February 29th, not many. 

The other day with the least amount of birthdays, Christmas, surprised me.  But you’ll have lots of fellow birthday friends if you were born on September 16th.

According to a heat map created by Matt Stiles, a data journalist with the National Public Radio, September 16 is the single most common birthday for Americans between the ages of 14 and 40.

Americans born in the months of September and July share their date of birth with a great number of other Americans.

A study conducted by an NPR reporter, and reported in the U.K. Daily Mail, shows that September 16th is the single most common birthday for Americans between the ages of 14 and 40 years old.

On the other end of the spectrum, the least common date of birth is February 29th, which comes every four years during a leap year.

The second least popular birthday falls on Christmas, December 25th, followed by January 1st.

Babies delivered on the most common day of the year, September 16, were likely conceived on December 24th, which ranked as the fourth least common birthday.

The 13th of every month also suffered from a shortage of birthdays.

Here is the birthday chart by Matt Stiles of The Daily Viz. Check your birthday and let me know how you factor, in the comments section below.

Matt Stiles, The Daily Viz
Matt Stiles, The Daily Viz

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