Will Miss America Return to Atlantic City for the 100th Anniversary?
The very first Miss America Pageant was held on the boardwalk in Atlantic City during the summer of 1921. Will the annual competition come back home to AC in 2021 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Miss America Pageant?
According to the Press of Atlantic City, the Miss America organization is exploring the the opportunity of bringing the pageant competition back home in 2021 to coincide with the 100th anniversary.
The last time a Miss America was crowned in Atlantic City was back in 2018. The CRDA declined to renew their contract with the Miss America organization for 2019.
Miss America 2020 was crowned at Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut this past December. Check back for more details as they become available.
Would you like to see Miss America 2.0 come back to Atlantic City?
Sources: pressofatlanticcity, missamerica.org
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