Atlantic City St. Patrick’s Parade Day Fundraiser [VIDEO]
Get Ready for the Atlantic City St. Patrick's Day Parade next Saturday March 1oth at 1pm. You can register your place in the parade at the AC St. Patty's Day Parade Fundraiser this Sunday
March 4th from 4-7 PM at Maynard's Cafe, on Amherst Avenue in Margate... We'll be there from 5-7PM. Register your floats, marching band and Irish pipe bands and groups.
Hope to see you at the 27th Atlantic City St. Patricks Day Parade next Saturday on the World Famous Atlantic City Board Walk!
Need a soundtrack for your celebration?
The Snakes, a local band who specializes in Irish rock, folk and traditional tunes has written the perfect anthem, appropriately titled “I Love St. Patrick’s Day at the Jersey Shore.”