A Different Thanksgiving – Tell Us How You Are Spending Yours
Thanksgiving - getting together with the family, lots of hugs and kisses, carving the turkey, kids running around, laughing and joking, and eating way too much. Oh, but that was so 2019. This year it will be very different. With the pandemic surging across the nation, many of us will have smaller groups around the table, opting to spend our holiday with just our immediate family to keep everyone safe.
For the first time in my entire life, I will not be at my parents' house with my whole big boisterous family. It will be much quieter this year, although my husband and I do our best to make it special for our two kids. I will be making my kids some of the same favorites that they have come to enjoy and setting a festive.
I plan to set up a time to talk with my parents and siblings online so we can see each other and show off some of the food we made. During our pre-pandemic Thanksgiving, we often played a game after dinner. While we are on Zoom, we will continue that tradition with the family. There are a lot of fun ones you can play such as Bingo, 20 Questions, and Trivial Pursuit. I did a quick online search and found a ton of them.
We are all trying to find some sense of "normal" but it is important to reflect on the meaning of this holiday, which starts with the word thanks. While this has been a challenging year, let’s all take the time to think about some of our blessings and be thankful for what we do have instead of focusing on what we don’t. So how will Thanksgiving be different for you this year? What are some things you are thankful for? We want to hear from you. Let us know. Whatever you are doing, wishing you a happy, healthy, beautiful, and safe Thanksgiving.
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