Wildwood Crest, NJ Police, Beach Patrol Give Dying Woman 1st Class Ride to Beach
The Wildwood Crest Police and Beach Patrol are being lauded for their kindness toward a dying woman and longtime resident of Wildwood Crest on Tuesday.
Michael Alex posted on Facebook that his mom, Jo Anne Zigahn, who is suffering from an aggressive form of brain cancer, had a special wish before she returned to New York for treatment. She wanted to visit the beach.

Her son, Michael, writes that he made a call to the Wildwood Crest Chief of Police Robert Lloyd to ask if he could help with his mother's wish.
The Wildwood Crest Police and Beach Patrol stepped up immediately, giving Jo Ann a police vehicle ride directly onto the beach, where lifeguards were waiting to take her down to the surf in a special beach wheelchair.
...WITHOUT a second of hesitation, Chief Lloyd responded, “anything you need Mike.” Wondering how she was getting to the beach, Chief Lloyd, Sgt’s. Mulholland, Holt, and Sheets showed up in full force at my doorstep to personally escort my my mom to the beach. They drove her down to the water with an amazing view and were greeted by the Wildwood Crest Beach Patrol who were waiting in first class style with an awesome ride! Words cannot describe how grateful I am for everyone making this happen, I thank WCPD AND WCBP more than you ever know for making her day. To see the surprise on her face easily made this year complete. You all are family forever. Thank you.
Zigahn, who has owned a home in Wildwood Crest since the 1970's, was well known on the international diving scene in her younger life and is a member of the Women Divers Hall of Fame.
Her niece, Ashley Sasso, writes on Facebook that the beach is her "happy place".
...as an international diver and a founder of The Women Divers Hall of Fame and “Beneath The Sea” non-profit organization where she raised millions of dollars for Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at the Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, NY. She has spent her lifetime advocating for ocean conservation efforts & making a difference in the marine community. Today is a good day.
Let me join all who are cheering the Wildwood Crest Police and Beach Patrol for helping to make a dying woman's wish come true.
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