This Is The Best Day To Buy Gas In New Jersey
Drive anywhere in New Jersey these days, and it's hard to avoid noticing the rising cost of gas.
According to AAA, a site that tracks gas prices throughout the country, the price of gas is expected to continue to rise.
They say that oil providers have dramatically cut back on production, and that pushes the price of gas higher.
This year, prices are about twenty-four cents a gallon higher than they were last year at this time. According to AAA, the current nationwide average price of gas is $3.87 per gallon. Here in New Jersey, the statewide average is $3.75 per gallon.
If you are looking for the least expensive gas, the AAA report says you would have to travel all the way to Warren County, where the average cost of gas is currently $3.68 per gallon.
Cape May, Essex, Monmouth, Ocean and Somerset Counties have the highest average price for gas at $3.77 to $3.84 per gallon.
Atlantic County has the second highest average price for gas in the state.
With prices this high, it's important to take advantage of every opportunity to save. According to, there are days that are better than others to buy gas.
The best day of the week to buy gas is Monday. Their research finds that you'll likely save a bit if you buy your gas on this day. Conversely, you don't want to buy gas on Saturday.
It may seem like minute savings, but over the course of a month and over a year, the change can add up.
The Best Day of the Week To Buy Gas May Surprise You (
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