There's a definite chill in the air, which means the cold, dark days of winter are lurking and will be here before you know it. Brrr!

It's not all bad though. Right? Here are a few things to look forward to as we prepare for winter's icy grip to take hold of South Jersey.

  • Ryan McVay
    Ryan McVay


    Okay, this has to be number one on my list. I love the holiday season. The decorations, the parties, the food, plus spending time with family and friends.

    The only thing I'm not crazy about is the cold and wintry weather during the holiday season. I'd be fine with a few inches of the white stuff for a white Christmas and that would be more than enough for me.

  • rez-art

    Warm Soups (and Hot Chocolate!)

    Soup just doesn't taste the same during the spring and summer seasons. However, I literally look forward to diving into a hot bowl of soup and a cup of steaming hot chocolate when it's frigid outside.

  • Man comfortably sleeping in his bed
    Man comfortably sleeping in his bed

    The Best Sleep Ever

    I always sleep best when it's icy cold outside and I'm cozy under a ton of blankets.

    Of course, the downside is that it's harder than ever to wake up in the morning, especially when it's still dark outside and my dog Josie, is ready for her morning walk.

  • Bojan Sokolovic
    Bojan Sokolovic

    Wearing Layers of Clothes

    This comes in handy especially if you've put on a few pounds by enjoying too many BBQs over the summer....cough.

  • AHPhotoswpg

    The First Snow

    There's nothing like it! I used to get so excited about the first snowfall or snow flakes of the season when I was a kid.

    I still do,as long as it doesn't snow too much. A nice white coating would be A-OK for me!

  • Irina Igumnova
    Irina Igumnova

    Driving in the Snow

    While we're on the subject of snow, this is my LEAST favorite part of winter. My stomach does flip-flops whenever I hear the words snow and ice in the weather forecast.

  • Karl Weatherly
    Karl Weatherly

    Sitting By a Fire

    I can sit for hours by a warm, toasty fire on a cold winter's night, especially if I'm reading a good book.

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