These are the Counties with the Most New Jersey Natives
#15 Mercer County 50% of the residents were born here.
Mercer County is about as central New Jersey as it gets. Half the population of the county comes from out of state. This county is attractive to newcomers who are looking for a nice place to raise a family that is close enough to New York. Mercer County has a huge commuter population.
#9 Atlantic County 57% of the residents were born here.
Most people in Atlantic County own their homes. Presumably, this has created roots in the community that are passed down through the generations. The crime rate in the county is below the national average. The proximity to the shore, plenty of shopping and entertainment, makes it understandable why people would want to stay.
#4 Salem County 64% of the residents were born there.
Salem County ranks high in native residents, but you get the feeling that may be changing. Reading reviews by residents on is sad. People talk about how good things were back in the day but don't seem optimistic about the current state of the county.
#3 Ocean County 67% of the residents were born there.
There's good reason for those born in Jersey to choose to stay in Ocean County. There's much to do here. Ocean County boasts great restaurants and shopping. Oh, and of course there's the beach, of course the beach.
One obstacle to young folks who want to stay is the cost of living. Everything seems more expensive in Ocean County, but certainly, if you can afford it, its a great place to call home.
Find out which two New Jersey counties have the most native Jerseyites at
New Jersey's born and bred residents are most likely to live in these counties (
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