Soups On: South Jersey’s Absolutely Best Soup is Revealed
This Is Soup Season
As a soup lover, every season is soup season, but the cooler weather is definitely the heart of soup season. Nothing warms you like a nice hot bowl of delicious, homemade soup.
We Asked listeners, 'Where is Your Go-To South Jersey Spot for Good Soup?'
No one has time to try every restaurant in South Jersey to find the best places for tasty, homemade soup, so why not take advantage of our huge listening area and dedicated listeners to help us compile our list?
What Were We Looking For in Our Local Soup Spots?
Local places that are known for one outstanding soup on their menu, or, better yet, restaurants that make several soups very well. We found a variety of both.
Where Are These Great Soup Places?
They are literally all over our listening area -- Cumberland, Cape May, Atlantic, and lower Ocean counties. Listeners suggested places where they've had really good soups and what kind of soup it was.
Where Is My Favorite Soup Place?
Did we include every single restaurant in South Jersey that has good soup on the menu? Almost definitely, no. If you think of a place you feel was overlooked, tell us about it in the comments and we will try to include them.
Now, let's look at a gallery of amazing South Jersey eateries with the most delicious soup!
Soups On: South Jersey's Absolutely Best Soup is Revealed
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