This is the start of NO MORE week which coincides with International Women’s Day on March 8th and is aimed at inspiring everyone to help create a culture of safety, equality, and respect in our communities.  1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men experience sexual or assault or domestic violence in their lifetime. On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States. These are serious issues. 

Silence and lack of knowledge about domestic violence and sexual assault play a large part in why they persist. Simply wanting to help is a huge step toward ending the shame and stigma that survivors are burdened with. Learn how to recognize domestic violence and sexual and, what to do when you see it and how to stop it before it happens.

Now in its sixth year, NO MORE Week’s theme this year is Change Happens here. Here's how you can get involved in NO MORE week.

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    Take the pledge to stand with survivors and donate to causes that fight for their issues.

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    Share Your Story and Speak Up

    Share your experience. The stigma doesn't belong to you. Also, do not allow sexist language or language that disparages girls or boys.

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    Learn More

    Stay informed. Know the issues. Be aware and understand what domestic violence and sexual assault really is and how it can happen.

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