Will Flashing Your Headlights in NJ Cut Red Light Time?
If you've ever been stopped at a stoplight, and noticed someone across from you frantically flashing their headlights, chances are they're trying to get the light to turn green.
Stoplight technology is more complicated than you think.
There are several different types of stoplights in use in New Jersey, and there are tricks for helping to make the light turn green that work, and others that don't.
Let's start with the flashing of the lights. The belief is that there's a sensor that picks up the light beam and causes the light to change.
This is true, but not for normal headlights.

Some stoplights are equipped with a sensor called a preemption infrared device which helps when emergency vehicles need the light to change quickly.
The driver of the emergency vehicle can press a button and the vehicle transmits an infrared signal to the light which then turns green.
So flashing your headlights will not work.
One way to ensure the stoplight cycles through properly is to make sure you pull all the way up to the white stop line or crosswalk.
Many stoplights use sensors that can detect cars that are waiting. If you are too far from the line or you are too far over it, the light won't change for you.
If you've ever sat and watched as a stoplight seemed to have forgotten you, this is probably why.
Additionally, have you noticed those cameras that are mounted on the stoplights? Those are used to detect cars that are waiting to turn.
They're controlled by computers and I'm told, aren't used to spy on motorists.
Finally, have you ever wondered what those buttons are on the pole of the stoplight at intersections where there's a crosswalk?
If you've ever pressed one of these, you probably noticed they don't seem to do anything.
They certainly don't speed up the cycle of the light, so what are they there for?
According to a couple of public works people I spoke to as they worked on one of these buttons, they alert the stoplight to the fact people are waiting to cross.
When you press the button, the light will cycle to let you cross whether cars are waiting or not.
Things that don't work to change the light?
Flashing lights, honking horns, yelling loud, or rocking your car back and forth, will not cause the light to change.
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