New Mark Hamill Movie to Film in Millville, Vineland
Have you heard? Mark Hamill is shooting his new movie in Millville and Vineland! No, it's not "Star Wars - Lost in Glasstown". It's a movie called "The Retaliators".
Word is, the "Star Wars" actor and the rock band Five Finger Death Punch will begin filming in South Jersey later this month.
According to the Press of Atlantic City, producers of "The Retaliators" will use Cumberland County sites as part of the New Jersey Film and Digital Media Tax Credit which offers incentives for filming in state. Cumberland County offers tax credits of 35%, among the highest in the state.
News of this project was announced by the South Jersey Film Alliance, based in Vineland. The Film Alliance is also involved in the production of the Netflix zombie movie "Army of the dead", which is currently shooting in Atlantic City.
Mark Hamill, best known for his role as Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars films, has post production work for the soon-to-be released Star Wars flick, "The Rise of Skywalker" and various TV projects listed on the imdb.com website for his 2019 schedule, but no mention is made of The Retaliators" project. What's up with that?
We will keep you updated.
Source: Press of Atlantic City
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