Ocean City, NJ Fire Department Getting New Gear In 2024
According to the United States Census Bureau, Ocean City is a seven-mile island with a year-round population of 11,303 residents. Public Servants such as Police Officers and Firefighters are paramount to the community. Their value goes beyond the few months of the busy annual Summer Season in South Jersey.
At the most recent Ocean City Council Meeting, the elected Council Members voted to approve the purchase of new equipment and protective clothing for the city's Fire Department. The most of the Fire Department is supposed to be replaced every 15 to 20 years. Also, there is a need to replace older protective clothing for the Ocean City Firefighters.
The Ocean City Fire Department employs around 60 firefighters year-round for the northernmost Cape May County Coastal Community. Aside from serving their Shore Town, the Ocean City Firefighters can be called to assist Emergencies in neighboring communities such as Strathmere to their south and Marmora to the west.
According to OCNJ Daily and OC City Council Meeting documents, the following are the major items being purchased for the Firefighters:
*New and up-to-date Protective Clothing to replace aged and out-of-date clothing
*Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Air Packs and Air Cylinders that should be replaced within 20 years of first use.
*New and Updated Fire Department Uniforms
The Ocean City Fire Department Headquarters is located at 550 Asbury Avenue near the corner of 6th Street. Ocean City Fire Station Two is located at the corner of 29th Street and West Avenue. OCFD Fire Station Three is located at 4508 West Avenue adjacent to the 46th Street Water Tower. For more information about the Ocean City Fire Department, you can visit their website here.
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Gallery Credit: Eddie Davis