When it comes to celebrities, there is one that New Jersey residents want to meet more than any other.

We didn't specify when we asked residents which celebrity they wanted to meet, that the star had to be from New Jersey.

Stars Didn't Have To Be From New Jersey

Leaving the door open to stars from anywhere around the world left the door open for some different answers to the normal responses of Bruce Springsteen or Jon Bon Jovi.

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What we didn't expect was the #1 answer we got, namely Bradley Cooper. Does that surprise you as well?

Read More: Best Places To Meet A New Jersey Celebrity

Bradley Cooper has been known to frequent the Garden State, and by most indications seems to be incredibly gracious when meeting New Jersey residents.

So, Why Did New Jersey Pick That Star?

Maybe the word got around, and more people wanted to meet him because it sounded like he was as nice as he seemed.

But even if all that is true, is Bradley Cooper the guy New Jersey residents want to meet more than anyone else?

We only believe it because that is what you told us in our unscientific poll on several social media platforms.

New Jersey Stars Were Well Represented

There was more New Jersey representation than just Bruce and Bon Jovi on the list of celebrities that got votes.

We also saw a lot of votes for Danny DeVito, Jack Nicholson, and Joe Pesci and that made our New Jersey-loving hearts very warm.

Surprisingly enough, Johnny Depp got a lot of votes as well.

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