It’s National Chocolate Chip Day: 6 NJ places to find the best! (Opinion)
Another fake food holiday is here!!! May 15th is National Chocolate Chip day. As is the case with all of these fake food holidays, no one really understands the origin of them. But I’m not gonna argue because unless do you have ice water running through your veins, you’ve got to celebrate chocolate chips.
Now, we all know that chocolate and chips taste pretty good alone, but who really eats them that way? There’s no better way to celebrate and honor the humble chocolate chip than in a chocolate chip cookie. In case you’ve now decided to celebrate here are the best places in New Jersey to get a classic chocolate chip cookie. I dare you to resist.
It’s National Chocolate Chip Day: 6 NJ places to find the best!
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Judi Franco. Any opinions expressed are Judi’s own.