Girl Scout Cookies in New Jersey Ranked
This is one of the best times of the year. The Girl Scouts hit the streets to sell those delicious Girl Scout cookies we love. I decided to step up and do some critical research and rate each of the Girl Scout cookie flavors.
You can imagine the difficulty of this project. I mean, I had to sample each one to make sure I was reporting back to you thoughtful opinions of these cookies. I even tried several samples of each flavor, you know, to be sure I'm creating a ranking worthy of your attention.
So here we go,
#8 Girl Scout S'mores
In fairness, I'm not a graham cracker lover. This cookie consists of two graham cracker-flavored cookies with marshmallows and chocolate in between.
#7 Toast Yay!
I like French Toast, but this didn't quite do it for me. Maybe if I put them in a bowl with milk, it might taste better.
#6 Lemon-Ups
This cookie smelled good from the moment I opened the package. It had a bit of a tart taste that you'd expect from a lemon-flavored cookie. This cookie was light and satisfying. I also appreciated that it didn't leave an after-taste.
#5 Tagalongs
I love peanut butter, and this cookie was true to its description. This cookie is basically, peanut butter coated with chocolate. I like the consistency and it has just the right amount of chocolate. Yum.
#4 Adveturefuls
Once I reached this point, I discovered how difficult it is to choose one cookie over another. I love this cookie. These look like brownies and even smell like brownies. It has a rich flavor, and I could only eat a couple in one session, but these are the bomb.
#3 Do-Si-Dos
Another cookie that favors the taste of peanut butter. These cookies contain peanut butter sandwiched between two oatmeal cookies. These were easy to eat in the car. They are a longtime favorite.
#2 Samoas
Come on now, coconut and caramel? Plus, it has chocolate and it's a cookie? I can go through a box of these with ease. What's not to like?
#1 Thin Mints
I'm a traditionalist at heart, and this is a cookie that's been around forever. The simplicity of this cookie is what makes it so good. It may not be as flashy as some of the other flavors, but it doesn't have to be. They better never change this cookie.
Meet the Cookies | Girl Scouts
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