The American Idol reboot is ready to go! The groundbreaking series that brought us Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Chris Daughtry, and so many other talented singers, will make its debut March 11th on ABC TV. The American Idol journey will also begin for one particularly talented Galloway teen.

16-year-old Mara Justine's audition episode is set to air on Monday, March 12th, according to a report by the Press of Atlantic City. Her Idol audition took place in New York back in October 2017. Justine found herself singing in front of a powerhouse judging panel which includes superstars Katy Perry, Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan.

The ultra talented Absegami High sophomore is no stranger to competing in talent shows. She was a finalist on NBC's America's Got Talent was she was just a 12-year-old!

We'll have to wait until her audition episode on March 12 to she if she advances to the next round of Idol. Good luck, Mara!

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