Dumped Cats Leave May’s Landing’s Funny Farm Rescue in a Tough Spot
As the video begins, you can tell that Laurie Zaleski is annoyed and frustrated. The founder and president of Funny Farm Rescue in Mays Landing is standing outside the rescue with Cindy, a woman she identifies as the volunteer in charge of cats. The video, which appears on Funny Farm's Facebook page, was shot at about 7 am Tuesday.
Next to Laurie and Cindy are two cat carriers with six kittens that have been dumped by someone on the Fanny Farm property overnight.
Laurie has a warning for whoever unloaded the animals.
"...People are just discarding these babies like trash. And I am sick and tired of it. So the last time this happened, I said, I'm putting cameras all up and down the street. Guess what? I did it. We know who you are. You will not see the police come today. You have 24 hours to come forward to identify yourself before I press charges because there will be charges pressed if you do not come forward.... If you come forward, I just need information on these cats. Where they came from, who is the mom? Do they go together? Were they outside, were they inside? Are they sick? You have 24 hours and then I'm coming after you."
Zaleski goes on to explain that Funny Farm is technically not a cat rescue, but 200 of her six hundred rescued animals -- all unwanted by some previous owner-- are cats.
Laurie obviously has no intention of giving the cats back or away to someone else, but the reality of trying to accommodate more cats, especially those unknown to her, that must be quarantined until they are known not to be sick, is overwhelming for a woman who says she is so strapped for space, she has to keep cats in this situation in her bathroom.
The book details Laurie’s life of keeping promises, fulfilling dreams, and rescuing every type of animal.
The memoir tells how Annie McNulty, Laurie's mom, fled from a nightmarish marriage with few skills, no money or resources, dragging three kids behind her, and accumulating hundreds of cast-off animals on the way.
From that humble beginning, many animals have been given a second chance at life and found a good home at South Jersey's Funny Farm Rescue and Sanctuary.
But, Funny Farm is an all-volunteer organization that runs on a shoestring. While we wait to see if Laurie Zaleski will file a complaint against who dumped the kittens, Funny Farm could use your help with supplies for the animals being cared for.
Here is a Facebook post from Funny Farm explaining what supplies they presently need. Please do what you can to help.