Clue # 3 – Luck of the Irish Giveaway
If you’re enough lucky to be Irish… you’re lucky enough, Erin go bragh, sláinte, and may the road rise up to meet you!
Yes, it’s St. Patrick’s Day and I am caught up in all things Irish, including the famous limerick!
In case you don’t know, a limerick is defined as a humorous poem consisting of five lines. The first, second, and fifth lines must rhyme and have the same verbal rhythm. The third and fourth lines have to rhyme with each other and have the same rhythm.
Welcome to Lite Rock’s 2nd Annual Luck of the Irish Limerick Giveaway! Here’s what you need to do:
Watch the four daily clues featured in the videos we provide, Monday through Thursday March 13-16. This will help you uncover the secret location we are looking for and could possibly win you a $100 gift card to Ri Ra Irish Pub in the Quarter at the Tropicana!
Once again this year, all the clues are in limerick form. Five lines of silly poetry over four days will help you figure out our secret Luck of the Irish location!
How to Play:
There will be four videos with limerick clues for you to watch. Use the clues to find a secret location we’ve picked somewhere in South Jersey. Everyone who is able to determine the correct location after the fourth clue will be put in a drawing for the night out at Ri Ra Irish Pub!
Got it? Great! Here is clue #3 for Lite Rock’s Luck of the Irish Getaway:
Did you miss the first two clues in Lite Rock's Luck of the Irish Giveaway? Here is clue #1...
Here is Luck of the Irish clue #2...