What? This is crazy because of the shortages of certain things, we might not be able to find these three popular things in a grocery store.

It's crazy to think of all the prices of certain things that have really gone up since last year.

aaron Amat, Getty Images
aaron Amat, Getty Images

There are three things that were specific in this article from yahoo, and I just couldn't believe it. The shortages range from several different reasons. Mashed and yahoolife, gave us some reasons for the shortages: climate change, the extreme weather from 2021 that did not help certain crops, certain plant diseases, and more. Weird things...

Three Things You Might Not Be Able to Find in a New Jersey Grocery Store 2023

#1 - Champagne - According to mashed, climate change greatly impacts the production of champagne. In 2021 there was a devastating number of crops that grew fungus, because of the extreme weather we had.

wavebreakmedia, ltd, Getty Stock ThinkStock
wavebreakmedia, ltd, Getty Stock ThinkStock

#2 - Lettuce - In 2022, a disease took over crops. The disease is called impatiens necrotic spot virus, which is carried by insects and affects the plant. This destroyed over 80% of the area's crops for 2022 and 2023 might be worse.

purestock, Getty Stock, ThinkStock
purestock, Getty Stock, ThinkStock

#3 - Bread - Factories and bakeries might struggle to find the ingredients to make bread, and there might be a shortage in 2023. Crop production in Ukraine will decline to about 40% and slow down the harvesting season that began in July.


Click here for more information, thanks to yahoolife.

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