A suspicous finding on a mammogram requires further testing. In our Breast Health Series for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Dr. Lisa Iucci, breast surgeon with Premier Surgical Network, explains how a biopsy is performed and what to expect.
When you need a mastectomy you have many choices. Dr. Desiree D'Angelo, of Premier Surgical Network, discusses breast implants versus using your body's own tissues for reconstruction in this Breast Health Series.
This is the first of our four-part Breast Health Series. Learn more about genetic testing in this short interview with breast surgeon Dr. James Frost of Premier Surgical Network.
If you find yourself saying phrases like, 'pink is my signature color' and 'on Wednesdays we wear pink', you'll want to check out this bar in Atlantic City dedicated to a great cause.
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month represents an opportunity for all Americans to devote some time to offering their support to the millions of women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.