The Fascinating Story Of New Jersey’s Most Historic Restaurant
New Jersey is a place where we really appreciate good food. We also have a rich history in the Garden State. Let's take a look at the story behind New Jersey's most historic restaurant.
We start by explaining the title. The amazing foodie experts at Lovefood decided to come up with a list of what they thought was the most historic restaurant in every state in America.
These experts know what they are talking about, and when they place an honor like this on a restaurant, we definitely take notice.
The restaurant they chose as the most historic in New Jersey is a place that first opened its doors all the way back in 1742. To put that into some type of historical perspective, that's a full 45 years before George Washington became the first U.S. President.
If you want to dine in the most historic restaurant in the Garden State, it means you're heading to Mendham for your culinary adventure.
The restaurant the experts chose as New Jersey's most historic is a place that's called Black Horse Tavern & Pub, and frequent customers rave about this place.
The word is when you go there you absolutely have to try the Cheese & Wine Bubbly Shrimp. It's just one selection on an amazing menu.
Make your plans to head to Black Horse Tavern & Pub soon. It's located at 1 W. Main St. in Mendham, and remember when you get there, you're walking into Ebenezer Byram's old farmhouse that has been a tavern for over 280 years. That's amazing.
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