From Laundry Room to Letterbox – New Jersey Residents Stumped by Dryer Sheet Invasion
Friends of mine told me over the weekend that they are finding dryer sheets in their mailbox. Seems strange, right?
I figured there must be an obvious answer to this, so I did a little digging.
At first thought I had questions. A lot of questions.
First, there's the obvious. Why dryer sheets? Why are they in mailboxes?
Are random people putting them there, or is the mail carrier?
Often when I have questions, I go to the Reddit community, and sure enough, I found the answer.
Let me start off by saying that if you have been the lucky recipient of a dryer sheet in your mailbox, you're not in danger. But, your mail carrier could be.
Yes, those dryer sheets are indeed being put in your mailbox by your mail carrier, and it's not because they want your bills and letters to smell like "ocean breeze."
This is the time of year when yellow jackets and wasps start to build nests. Many times those nests end up being in mailboxes.
For some reason, dryer sheets deter these insects from making themselves at home in mailboxes. I guess it's got to be the scent, right? Maybe someone I lot smarter than me could shed some light. Reach out to me.
Here's part of what the Reddit letter carrier had to say:
I can’t tell you how many times, especially during this part of the year, where I’ve opened up a box to see a little nest with 3-5 Yellowjackets just chillin. If I’m really unlucky, they will have made their nest at the very back of the box so I wind up sticking my hand in not knowing they are there. We all know how temperamental these little douchebags are and merely existing in their presence is enough to piss them off. Last year alone I was stung 10 times on 10 separate occasions.
So, if you find a dryer sheet in your mailbox, it's for your letter carrier's safety, so please leave it.
Better yet, throw a sheet in your mailbox for them.