New Jersey Trio Write Heartwarming Anthem for Kids With Cancer
New Jersey musician Taylor Tote has teamed up with 7-year-old cancer survivor Natalie Grace and Natalie's big sister Hannah to create a true anthem for kids with cancer.
Even better, the song could actually help kids fighting the disease.
"Fighter" was written by the trio last summer, and just a few months ago the song was professionally recorded in Asbury Park. The girls even join Taylor to sing on the track, along with several other childhood cancer survivors and siblings.
The group is also featured in the song's music video, shot entirely in Monmouth County. (Hannah is in the purple shirt, and Natalie in the polka dots.) Filmed mostly in Middletown and Rumson, it also features members of the Middletown Fire Department. It's truly a moving video.
In addition to creating the video to bring awareness to pediatric cancer, the group has found a way to use the song to help kids.
All proceeds from the sale of the song on iTunes will go to Infinite Love for Kids Fighting Cancer, a 501(c)(3)-pending charity founded by Natalie and Hannah's mother, Andrea Gorsegner. The money will be used for research grants, which will be sent directly to hospitals or other facilities to help find treatments, and ultimately, a cure, for all childhood cancers.
Andrea tells me the survival rate for Natalie's type of cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, is 80%, but there are other childhood cancers that have a 0% survival rate. It's for this reason that every year the charity's research grants go to different hospitals or doctors to fund research of different childhood cancers.
"From day one of my fundraising back in April of 2013 when I first started, I made a decision that I wanted to support all childhood cancer research, therefore each year I would focus our fundraising efforts on a different type of childhood cancer. I always want to be sure that our donated dollars are going to the best research available for that particular cancer."
It's certainly a noble cause, and it's truly eye-opening when you realize how little is known about various pediatric cancers.
"Most of the general public doesn't know - I certainly didn't before my daughter was diagnosed - that childhood cancer is the number one disease killer of our kids in this country, and yet it's incredibly underfunded, only receiving 4% of the National Cancer Institute's annual research budget, and that's for ALL childhood cancer's combined. There have only been three new drugs developed in the past 30 years for any childhood cancer."
Certainly we can do better for these kids.
Luckily, Natalie Grace's story has a happy update. At the end of this month, the Gorsegners plan to celebrate Natalie's two-year anniversary of being cancer free! The hope is that Natalie will stay in remission until she is 10 years old, at which point she can be declared cured!
These kids truly are little Fighters!
Remember, the song is available now on iTunes for $1.29, and Andrea says, "every penny raised from the sales of this song will go to childhood cancer research."
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