Lite Rock’s Christmas Caroling Nursing Home Tour – Singers Needed
Merry Christmas! It's Eddie Davis from the Lite Rock Morning Show with my annual pitch to join me on Lite Rock's Christmas Caroling Nursing Home Tour this Tuesday, Dec. 18 from 4-6 p.m. in Northfield and Ocean City.
Here's a little background on the Caroling Tour.
One of the first things I did after joining Lite Rock during the holiday season of 2004, was to organize a group of listeners and friends to visit South Jersey hospitals and sing Christmas carols!
Over the years, with help from many Lite Rock listeners, we returned to the hospitals to sing year after year.
Last year, we switched the focus of our Christmas caroling to two South Jersey nursing homes.
Being in a nursing home during the holidays can be a very sad and lonely time and the impact of a group of smiling, happy visitors singing songs of the holidays is powerful. My Dad is spending his third Christmas in a nursing facility in suburban Philadelphia and I have learned some sad truths in that time about how hard it is for those residents, especially during the holidays.
Our annual Lite Rock Christmas caroling only takes a couple of hours, but it brightens the whole day for those in the nursing home and those singing. It is what makes me really begin to feel the spirit and joy of Christmastime; it’s a favorite time of mine each holiday.
This year’s Lite Rock Christmas Caroling Nursing Home Tour is happening on Tuesday, December 18, with a stop in Meadowview Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, 235 Dolphin Ave, Northfield at 4 p.m. and United Methodist Communities at The Shores, 2201 Bay Ave, Ocean City at 5:15 p.m.
All are welcome to join us and no special musical talent or training is necessary, but it’s great if you have some! To make sure we know how many listeners will be joining us, you must sign up in advance to be on Lite Rock's Christmas Caroling Nursing Home Tour.
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