Judi Franco co-hosts the midday show on New Jersey 101.5 with Dennis Malloy. Franco, an actress and singer, began as a child performer in her hometown of San Francisco, appearing at the renowned Circle Star Theatre in San Carlos, California. When she was a young teen, Franco’s family moved to New Jersey, where her interests in community theater and radio were cultivated. A lucky break in 1991 found her first professional job in radio, and she was smitten. Franco is a volunteer for the Sephardic Bikur Holim food pantry, which provides meals for thousands of needy families in the Monmouth County area. She has also participated in various charity functions involving the American Cancer Society, Monmouth Medical Center, Hand in Hand for kids with special needs, Autism Speaks and Mary’s Place. As the wife of a lung cancer survivor, in her spare time she advocates for the caretakers of cancer patients. Franco has four children and several grandchildren.