So I’m driving on the Garden State Parkway on the weekend and I’m driving around 75 miles per hour and people are practically running me off the road! So I’d like to know “what is the REAL speed limit on the Garden State Parkway?


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The posted speed limit is 65 miles per hour, but if you go 65 on the Garden State Parkway you may end up with someone’s front end on your back seat lol no one goes 65 …..ok maybe a few but everyone is giving them the stink eye 👁


Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels


So where do we stand? How fast is too fast? It is frustrating when you are traveling above 65 and still, people are riding right up on you. What is the speed at which New Jersey State Troopers will start pulling drivers over? Is it 76 miles per hour or 80?




Many times on my drive from Toms River to Tuckerton on the Garden State Parkway I am doing around 75 miles per hour and a car passes me like I’m standing still. This car in seconds is almost out of sight, how fast is this person going? 80, 90, 100 miles per hour? Crazy right…..folks slow down! It’s one thing to go fast, but it’s another thing to fly! How about the “weaver” who keeps weaving in and out of traffic to get a few feet further? Cutting drivers off and causing lots of brake lights to pop on….it’s just dangerous!


Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels



So I have a few questions:

  • So what is the real speed limit on the Garden State Parkway?
  • What is too fast?
  • What is the speed when NJ State Troopers begin pulling you over?
  • Have you been passed by a person who thinks they are on the autobahn?

Post your comments below 👇🏻


Garden State Parkway


LOOK: See how much gasoline cost the year you started driving

To find out more about how has the price of gas changed throughout the years, Stacker ran the numbers on the cost of a gallon of gasoline for each of the last 84 years. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (released in April 2020), we analyzed the average price for a gallon of unleaded regular gasoline from 1976 to 2020 along with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for unleaded regular gasoline from 1937 to 1976, including the absolute and inflation-adjusted prices for each year.

Read on to explore the cost of gas over time and rediscover just how much a gallon was when you first started driving.

Gallery Credit: Sophia Crisafulli


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[WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter private or abandoned property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing.]

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