New Jersey is the last standing state that does not have self-serve gas stations.

Oregon was our only company until last year when they lifted the ban on self-serve gas.

It has become a controversial topic and many states make fun of New Jersey for "not knowing how to pump gas."

It has also become a joke, "we don't pump our gas, we pump our firsts."

Okay Pauly D...

I feel like people don't think that New Jerseyans leave the state.

Of course, we know how to pump gas, we just choose not to.

Every so often you will see fellow New Jerseyans argue on social media about whether or not we should be pumping our own gas.

Those for self-serve gas stations will mention how you sometimes have to wait for a gas attendant to get to your car.

We aren't the most patient people...

Those who are against it will mention that there will be many people without jobs.

Personally, I have never waited a terribly long time for a gas attendant. If anything, I have waited for a free pump because people run into Wawa for a cup of coffee.

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How expensive is gas in New Jersey?

According to AAA (as of October 22, 2024) gas in New Jersey averages at $2.985 per gallon for regular gas.

How does that stack up compared to the rest of the country?

New Jersey actually had the 18th cheapest gas in the country.

Out of the other 17 states that have cheaper gas only Iowa, Ohio, and Wisconsin are not southern states.

On average, New Jersey has the cheapest gas in the northeast.

The national average is $3.163, New Jersey is $0.178 cheaper than this.

Would self-service gas stations lower gas prices in New Jersey?

A few headlines would insinuate that self-serve gas stations would lower the gas prices in New Jersey.

However, many of them cite an event that took place in 2022, where gas stations lowered prices to "show" New Jerseyans what prices would be like if we had self-service.

Sure, they lowered prices for an event, but would it actually stay lower?

With how high prices are nowadays for everything and we rarely see prices drop, do we really think they would lower gas prices long term?

I lean towards no.

New Jersey is an expensive state, but when it comes to gas we have it better than most.

Self-serve gas: The pro's and con's of serving ourselves in NJ

The pros of having self-serve gasoline in New Jersey, along with reasons some use to oppose. Let's start with the pros.

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

10 Items NJ Should NEVER Buy At A Gas Station

Sure gas stations like Wawa are great, but not all gas stations are the same. Readers Digest reports that these are the things you want to avoid buying from a gas station at all costs.

Gallery Credit: Buehler

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