How Many New Jersey Residents Can Correctly Name These 5 Locations?
How many New Jersey residents can name all 5 of these locations with one picture and a few clues?
We chose 5 distinctive locations in New Jersey. We'll give you a few clues and show you one picture.
Name The 5 Locations In New Jersey
Let's see how many New Jersey residents can name all 5.
#1 Our first location is home to many amazing New Jersey childhood memories. It's in Ocean County and is a major summer destination for New Jersey residents and tourists alike. It is the home of The Chicken or the Egg.
This photo was taken just after turning off The Boulevard and heading toward the beach.
#2 This town is its county seat and is known for its major music talent and a legendary mall and raceway. Its most famous person has sold over 150 million records worldwide.
#3 This amazing town is on the Hudson and has an incredible view of the New York Skyline, and one of the celebrities from this town spent his career doing it his way.
Read More: New Jersey's Most Amazing Foodie Town
#4 This beach town is located in Monmouth County and is a favorite tourist town all summer long and is known for Taylor Pavilion, pictured below.

#5 This town is considered to be one of the first beach resort towns in America. It still maintains its amazing Victorian charm, and it has a great beach and boardwalk.
Here are the answers. Let's see how you did.
1. Long Beach Island
2. Freehold
3. Hoboken
4. Belmar
5. Cape May
Hope you got 5 out of five on this one. If you did, congratulations!